Sep 17, 2014

This is Democracy Week and how does it make you feel that you can be elected as an MP with only 7% of the registered voters voting for you? Not very good, I’m sure, especially when the winner says he has a

mandate from the people!

In the June Ontario election 3.9% more voters came out to vote. This is a good sign. But how do you feel about our electoral system when the percentage of folks who went to their polling station and Declined their ballot went up by 1,245%. Or the number of Rejected ballots went up by 76%, and the number of Unmarked ballots increased by 131%.

These people are telling us that the current electoral system does not represent the voters. Our First Past The Post, winner take all, no longer represents the multicultural, multifaceted society we live in today. A change is desperately needed.

Norm Hart

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