| Feb 09, 2006

Feature Article - February 9, 2006

Feature Article

February 9, 2006

South Frontenac Council

by Wilma Kenny

Former Pits & Quarries Rezoned: Council agreed to amend the Official Plan & Zoning By-law to redesignate four parcels of land (two in Portland , one in each of Bedford and Loughborough) from ‘Mineral Aggregate’ to ‘Rural” on the basis that these properties were no longer being used for aggregate extraction. This would remove the prohibition of residential land uses on or within 300 metres of the properties in question.

Township Recreation Guide


The publisher of the South Frontenac Recreation Guide received $1,000 from the township ($250 from each district’s recreation committee) toward advertising in the 2006 version of the Guide. The Township’s recreational resources are featured in the guide, as well as other township sponsored programs and services. Although the guide was originally intended to provide information about recreational programs only, feedback from the previous two issues have shown that it has also served to publicize the services of local social agencies. Councillor Robinson questioned the value of the Guide, commenting that newcomers usually went to their neighbours and post offices for information about local resources.

Environmental Assessment, Mitchell Creek : Council agreed to hire Ecological Services Inc .to carry out an environmental assessment of Mitchell Creek , for the price of $5,130.

Garbage Bag Tags: The Township’s Sustainability Committee recommended that 100 bag tags be provided to each township household for the 12 months beginning Sept. 1, 2006. The new tags will be less costly; just under 80 cents per hundred, and compact enough to be mailed out with the tax bill. Councillor Roos pointed out that bag tags help prevent unauthorized use of garbage pick-up and landfill sites. Also, they encourage diversion of recycling materials by limiting a household’s allowable amount of garbage. Councillor Smith agreed that the tags were a cheap way to help extend the life of landfill sites.The motion to support the bag tags passed, with Mayor Lake and Councillor Barr opposed.

Sydenham Water Donations: Council endorsed a letter to be sent out with the interim tax levy, making it possible for township residents who wish to donate to the Sydenham water system to receive a tax receipt as long as their immediate family members will not benefit from the donation. Any monies received will be used to offset the financial contributions of the property owners in the village who qualify for assistance based on income (confidentially) verified by an independent social service agency.

Bedford Plans for Canada Day: Bedford Recreation Committee received council approval for their application to Festival Canada for a grant toward their July 1st fireworks display.

Feb 21 Meeting Cancelled: There will be no Council meeting Feb 21, as most of the members of council will be attending the Good Roads conference that week.

Bubbles...?! Councillor Vandewal noted the police report for the week of January 20-26 included a recipe for a bubble solution, and tips on how to blow bigger and better bubbles. (The police report usually includes tips about safe driving and crime prevention, etc.) Perhaps they were celebrating a low crime rate (8 calls over the past 3 weeks) by offering council some tips for enjoying February??

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