Feb 10, 2011

Photo: Donor Melanie Fyfe with Lions members Ed Warren, Bill Pyle, Ron Hollywood and Dave and Dawn Hansen

Sharbot Lake held its first Blood Donor Clinic of the new year at St. James Major on Feb. 3 and regular donors were once again pleased to be able to donate blood close to home.


Arden batik artist Sarah Hale was sipping tea after making her donation and said, “I really appreciate having the clinic here and really, I just would not go all of the way into Kingston to donate. It's just too far.”


Sharbot Lake resident Melanie Fyfe has been donating blood regularly for years now and started when she relocated to the Sharbot Lake area. “It's important because there is such a huge need for it. And because I missed out donating for a number of years I think I am trying to make up for it now.”


Melanie has also convinced her husband and children to donate as well. “I would say to anyone who has not done it - do it. It's painless and the best part is that it really makes you feel good.”


Megan Hiebert, a registered nurse who was assisting at Thursday’s clinic said, “We find that rural areas are great supporters of Canadian Blood Services and we need absolutely every donor we can get to meet the needs of the hospitals. Whether it’s going to an accident victim or to someone needing surgery- there is always a need for blood, every single day and one person’s single donation can help three different patients who are in need.”


The Sharbot Lake clinics are regularly supported by the Sharbot Lake and District Lions, who bake up treats and serve coffee, tea and juice to donors.


“For us it is just something we feel is very important to support,” said Lions president Dawn Hansen.


The next Sharbot Lake clinic will take place on Thursday, September 29. For more information on how and where to donate please call 1-888-2- DONATE.




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