Jeff Green | Jan 13, 2016

The Kingston and Area Ice Stock (or Eisstock) Club, which plays the Austrian game that is kind of a cross between Bocce Ball and Curling at Centennial Park in Verona, has grown in leaps and bounds over the last three years.

Now, three of the league's players, who are all South Frontenac residents, have been chosen to join Team Canada for the upcoming world championships to be held in the Italian Alp community of Ritten later this winter. Ritten was part of Austria before World War One and has remained a hotbed for Eisstock.

The three South Frontenac Eisstockers are Jamie Babcock. Paul Blais and Tasha Vankoughnett. They will be part of a Canadian team that will compete in the “B” division of the championships, where developing nations in the sport prepare themselves to take the final step to compete in the elite “A” division.

The event takes place between February 17 and 28.

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