Mar 01, 2017

Last week’s warm temperatures and heavy rain that forced cancellation of an actual snowmobile ride, but unwavering volunteers at the Snow Road Snowmobile Club still hosted their third successful Ride for Dad event on Saturday.    Donuts donated by Tim Hortons and hot coffee greeted participants registering their pledges.  

The 26 registrants collected $6,419 in pledges.  Although Alice Gilchrist, with pledges totalling $1,285, was top pledge earner for the third year in a row, Bob Olmstead and Rob Schippert were close behind and tied in 2nd place with $1,030 each in pledges.  The club wants to thank all the generous sponsors who donated cash or goods or food, those who collected pledges and those who donated, and all the volunteers who worked before, during and after the event.   

Corporate sponsorships exceeded $2,000 this year so the big winner is Ride for Dad with an expected donation over $8,000 to support the fight against prostate cancer.   A lunch of hot dogs and several kinds of homemade soups was enjoyed and followed up by the distribution of awards and prizes.  A number of snow-mobilers arrived in their vehicles, along with other club supporters, to enjoy a great spaghetti dinner.  The Club plans to hold this event on February 10th next year, hoping an earlier date will mean better trail conditions for their Ride for Dad.

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