May 14, 2015

I read with interest the notice in the last issue of the Frontenac News calling for tenders for Road 38 overpass removal. There are probably not too many people living in Sharbot Lake today who were living here prior to the construction of the overpass. I am one of them. These pictures were taken from the backyard of our house where I lived beside the K&P tracks from late 1930 until around 1943. The house burned down in October of 1974. I am second from the right in the 1933 picture (no Road 38 overpass), which also includes my brother Ronnie on the left and three of my cousins. The other picture showing the overpass was taken in 1936. I am fairly certain that Road 38 crossed the tracks just west of the location of the existing overpass. In both pictures, you can see what looks like white guardrails crossing the tracks. Also in the pictures is the water tower for the trains. It seems like we are resetting the clock back 80 years. Interesting!

Francis Dowdall

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