Apr 08, 2015

In order to get re-elected to reduce investments in health care, education and veteran’s support; to cut all environmental protections, to spy on you and protestors, and to subsidize big oil; the Harper Government needs to buy votes. So if you have a child under 18, he will give you some money – not much – in exchange for your vote. His bribe will cost all of us $7 billion. Despite the fact that this cheque will be sent out in July, it still hasn’t been voted on by Parliament. Even government sources say that over half the people who get it will not use it for daycare, and many high earners won’t even need it. Alternatively, elect Liberals who will see that all Canadians are able to access affordable, high-quality child care spaces in every region of the country. Or elect the NDP with their $5 billion plan for a childcare program for working parents with small children. What’s your vote worth?

Ken Fisher

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