Mar 04, 2015

In the February 26, 2015 of The Frontenac News, it was reported that the Hinchinbrooke Recreation Committee had been awarded $10,000 to pay for a play structure at Parham. While I'm sure that this is a worthwhile endeavour, I was surprised to learn that the money was coming from Hydro One, via its "Power Play" granting program. Nowhere have I been able to find out how this program is funded, so I have to assume it comes out of Hydro One revenues. Am I the only person wondering why Hydro One, an electrical utility 100 percent owned by the province, is providing grant money to recreational facilities? This is a public, not private, corporation whose massive retirement deficit is currently being borne on the backs of ratepayers, and which is contributing to electricity rates which continue to climb and climb. (See

So, in addition to this, our hydro bills are being used to pay for recreational facilities. Good, I suppose, for the facilities; not so good for the ratepayers. Might I at least suggest that Hydro One add another line, along with the "Debt Retirement Charge", on our bills: "Other stuff we're spending your payment on."

Stephen Dukoff

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