Charles McCartney | Mar 30, 2022

By the nineties Ontarians had become aware of the virus HIV which changed the way we socialize in Ontario still till this day. Move forward to 2019 and Ontario becomes aware of a virus Covid which has changed the way we socialize in Ontario still to this day.

In the middle nineties Conservative Mike Harris, when elected, put social assistance on the welfare diet which left some Ontarians hungry and other Ontarians supporting food banks and community meals as we see advertised still everyday.

In 2017 Conservative Doug Ford cut long term care comprehensive inspectors almost down to zero, which supported Mike Harris agenda of extending long term care privatization in the province when his government was in power, which became a factor of many elderly Ontarians deaths in the beginning of Covid. Mike Harris has served as the Chair of the Board of Chartwell Retirement Residences, a for profit chain of over two hundred nursing homes and senior's residences.

Mike Harris privatization of municipal water testing was a factor in the Walkerton tragedy that caused many Ontarians their life's.

Doug Ford, if re-elected, faces the challenge of Covid 19 in our wastewater.

Mike Harris changed the way freight we need everyday was moved into Ontario by attacking the unions that supported the Canadian railways that brought most of the freight into Ontario. Transport trucks then became the main source of transport for this freight and insurance companies profited from all the insurance these transport trucks needed. The people of Ontario recently witnessed the truckers protest in Ottawa. All of those trucks legally require insurance to be on the road were as the Canadian railway by most part is self insured.

If he is re-elected, Doug Ford will attack the unions that support the Ontario hospital insurance plan in favor of insurance companies offering plans for user fees and treatment procedures that might be cut.

Mike Harris amalgamation put a strain on Ontario's education system as Doug Fords lifting of the mask mandate has done.

In 1999 Mike Harris government implemented the Drive Clean Program. it is very possible that if elected Doug Ford could implement a Safety Certification Program for cars, whereby Ontario car owners would be required to get a safety certificate every two years.

History is important as it tends to repeat itself.

Charles McCartney

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