Edward Kennedy | Apr 21, 2016

"SF organizational review calls for major office staff increases," Frontenac News, April 14/16 brought to mind a dream. Front row center were hard working taxpayers, shirtless and sweating profusely while all over their bodies ugly black leeches, bloated and swollen grotesquely, sucked their blood. Some workers were ashen white.

Sitting in the shade of a bureaucratic entity with leeches hanging out the doorways and windows, was the organization, "StrategyCorp.

These "leech tenders" of StategyCorp suddenly pointed at some of the workers, and pointed out they had fewer leeches hanging from the worker bodies, and demanded that these few be loaded with more bloated and ugly blood sucking leeches as their fellow workers.

I think you all get the picture. StrategyCorp wants local municipal governments to resemble "untario" bureaucracies where I am told from inside sources with decades of experience, that 30% of all managerial positions could be eliminated with no effect on service production.

StrategyCorp can go back to their urban sewage dumping polluters that release millions of gallons of raw sewage into Lake Ontario every year, and stay away from places where people work for a living and leeching political poltroons are not needed to burden the taxpayer. Perhaps they should look after their own serious problems there!

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