Aug 28, 2014

by Marily Seitz

If you love to sing and make beautiful music with others, then the Tay Valley Community Choir may be for you. An eclectic repertoire, lovely four part harmonies, and cozy country concerts distinguish the Tay Valley Choir. No audition is required, only a love of music. The choir practices Mondays from 6 to 7:30pm, alternating between Glen Tay Public School and the Maberly Hall.

The choir is delighted to welcome Rebecca Worden, local musician, music therapist and former co-director of The Oddities Choir, as the new choir director this year. Rebecca loves the sense of unity that comes when people sing together and she is looking forward to bringing to life some of her favourite arrangements.

To join, register at the Tay Valley Township office or at Early bird registration (before September 5) is $40 per term or $75 for the year. After September 5, fees are $50. The season begins Monday, September 8 at Glen Tay Public School. For further information contact Rebecca Worden at 613-264-1999.

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