Lynette Whan | Sep 03, 2015

Each soccer season is very gratifying for our committee members. We put a lot of effort into planning and coordinating and are rewarded when we finally get to see the kids on the fields playing. We have seen the players develop their skills over the years and it is amazing that this sport continues to be available to the kids in our area.

Some of our members have been involved and volunteering their time for over 10 years. With changing personal commitments, some of us will not be able to continue to volunteer in the capacity that we have been and new members are needed. Without new volunteers, Central Frontenac soccer will not be able to continue for the 2016 season. If your child loves the sport of soccer, you need to think about volunteering. There are various positions and tasks including chair, secretary, treasurer, referee coordinator, media liaison, and more. A committee like this works best with many members doing small parts to divide and share the work. The committee meets a few times each year to sort out positions, to plan, and to assign tasks and goals. We will be holding a wrap-up meeting on September 16 at 7pm at the Medical Centre, lower level, in Sharbot Lake. If you want to see soccer available for your children next year, come out to get more information and show your interest in continuing the sport of soccer in our community.

For questions or to volunteer, contact Lynette Whan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., (613)279-2366 or message us on the Central Frontenac Soccer Facebook group.

2015 Central Frontenac Soccer Association members: Lindsay Beattie, Liz Bigelow, Niki Putnam, Lynette Whan

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