Sep 30, 2010

Vicki Leakey of KPMG accounting of Kingston presented the 2009 audit report to council which was dicussed and accepted by council.

Setback for Central Frontenac Fire and Rescue

Deputy Fire chief Bill Young gave an activity and summary report report to council for the month of August and reported an unfortunate set back concerning Industry Canada issuing a request that all Central Frontenac Fire and R escue radio frequencies be reassigned with no explanations as to why. Young stated, “This will be a huge set back in that all our radios will have to be again reprogrammed and retested which has already been done once and was set to be completed by the first week of October which is no longer possible.

Mayor Janet Gutoswki requested that a motion be passed to send a letter to MP's and Industry Canada “expressing the townships serious concern with the continued delay in obtaining assigned raadio frequencies.

Septic Reinspection program

Council deferred the report by Eric Kohlsmit of the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority until Oct 12 since he was absent. The report notes that the program which commenced on August 16, 2010 has seen 20 inspections completed to date, 20 on Sharbot Lake and five on Eagle lake a number which councilor Purdon found fell surprisingly short of the 60 inspections that they had hoped for.

On the same topic CAO John Duchene brought to council’s attention a letter from Taro Alps president of the Greater Bobs and Crow Lakes Association informing council that their association had voted unanimously in favor of requesting each of

the townships in which their lakes lie including South Frontenac, Central Frontenac and Tay Valley institute a mandatory open tank septic re-inspection program noting that the success of the programs lies in making mandatory reinspections applicable to “all cottages and homeowners and must be extended to include all open tank

inspections”. The letter cited that of the 100 plus letters that were sent to cottage owners on Bob’s lake, only two responses were received and those were the only voluntary inspections to be completed completed.

Other Business

Mayor Janet Gutowski brought to council’s attention the still vacant position of postmaster in Godfrey since Shirley McGowan retired last November. “ I really think we need to make an effort to let the community know that there is still a potential opportunity to have this important service carry on in the community.”

ELPOA's State of the Lake Report

Kathleen White and Irv Dardick of the Eagle Lake Property Owners Association (ELPOA) presented the Associations State of the Lake Report

to council and highlighted their findings and concerns of the high levels of phosphorus in the lake which are negatively affecting young lake trout ( further details of the report will be discussed in detail in an upcoming article). Council accepted the report and thanked the presenters for their ongoing hard work.

A request by a Dr. Connor to rename Waller Lane to Connor Lane was deferred after much discussion with council in the end deciding to defer the motion with staff being directed to post amendments to the existing road renaming policy for consideration at the next regular meeting of the Committee of the Whole.

Tender awarded for Brock Road Bridge

Council awarded the tender for the Brock Road Bridge repair and replacement project to Crains Construction Limited who put forward the lowest bid for tender at $176, 735.23

Reserve for New Parham Fire Hall

Council unanimously passed a motion which resulted from recommendations of the Master Fire Plan of August 2010 to establish a reserve fund for a new Parham Fire Hall for consideration for the 2011 budget. Councilor Bill Snyder requested a recorded vote and Mayor Gutowski commented after the vote, “I think we're doing the right thing.”

A motion to reduce the the amount of parkland fee payable for the Wesley Haddock Severance to the family rate of $100 instead of the usual 5% was met with much discussion as council considered the implications such a motion might have. After much discussion council decided to amend the motion advising that council will pass it on the grounds that it is subject to review of the existing By Law.

Livestock Valuation

Council passed a motion to accept the livestock valuation submitted by F. Goodfellow for $137.90 for the loss of one 70 lb market lamb killed by wolves and valued at $1.97 per pound.

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