Ruth Pearce and Peggy Beckett | Oct 07, 2010

The Zealand Women's Circle was created from the Zealand Women's Institute in April 2004 because the members were dissatisfied with the fee hikes and the emphasis on sending money to support the organization on a provinicial, national and international scale. The members preferred to use resources to support local causes instead of sending funds to Toronto. We continued to meet regularly the third Thursday of each month, first at the Royal Canadian Legion hall, then at St. Andrew's Anglican Church hall. Our major fund raiser has been well organized by Marlene Ambler for 12 years, with members and other groups supplying the lunches at various times. If any group in the community is interested in taking over this venture, please call Marlene at 613-268-2369. 

Although our membership grew to 24 people, we find now that with people moving away, members being involved with other projects, going south in the winter, and the aging of all of us, that we are unable to continue as an organized group. Our last official meeting was held on June 17. At that time the members decided to disperse our remaining monies, and to try to meet on a bi-monthly basis for lunch to keep in touch. The funds were dispersed to the following local groups--Central Frontenac Railway Museum, Oso Rec Committee for the Swim progam, Adult Day Program at the Seniors' Centre in Sharbot Lake, Alzheimer Society, the Maberly Agricultural Society and the balance to the Sharbot Lake Food Bank, which we have also supported with pennies collected at each meeting. 

Quilts that we made have been turned over to Grace Wilby to be distributed as needed on our behalf.

Over the years we have had programs on a variety of topics--guest speakers, armchair travel experiences with Pam Giroux, presentations by community service organizations, and paper crafts, to name a few. We've participated in fun and games, exercise, and of course, EATING.  We have supplied more than 80 quilts to cancer patients, and 160 to newborns through the Childcare Centre. We've donated money to the Seniors' Centre, Cancer Society, Sharbot Lake food bank, Grandmothers by the Lake (Stephen Lewis Foundation), Christmas Angel Project among others.

It has been a wonderful way to meet many great people of Sharbot Lake, both old-time residents and newer ones.  Hearing their stories, sharing their joys and sorrows, saying good-bye to some and hello to others, has been a great experience. Some of our longest standing members include Brenda and Elda Garrett, and Shirley Crawford, who were all involved many years ago.

So many people have taken part in Institute functions over the years--it is impossible to name (or remember) them all--and have helped the group to grow and thrive.  Always supportive, in good spirits, our monthly get-togethers have been delightful.  Good luck as we continue to meet on a more casual basis, always with the Mary Stewart Collect in our thoughts.      


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