| Aug 10, 2022

When Sam Arraj bought Seeds Accounting, he decided to keep the companies base in Sharbot Lake and integrate it with his other accounting practices in Kingston and Toronto.

He also was interested in the country music heritage of Sharbot Lake and Eastern Ontario. After operating Seeds for less than a year, be brought the Good Brothers to Sharbot Lake in September, 2017 as a thank you to his new community.

Arraj is a long-time supporter and former President of the Country Music Association of Ontario

(CMA Ontario) and one of the ideas that he has been championing to the association is the long-term effort to create an Ontario County Music Hall of Fame. He sees no reason why his adopted community of Sharbot Lake couldn’t host the hall.

The Beach Bash, scheduled for Sharbot Lake on August 20, is both a summer concert introducing some of the top country music talent in Ontario, and a kick start a future role of Sharbot Lake with the CMA-Ontario.

The concert headliner is Kelly Prescott, and for Ontario country music fans, her last name will be familiar. She is the daughter of Tracey Brown and Randall Prescott of the Family Brown and Prescott-Brown fame.

Her music is a country-rock roots blend. Not all of the rough edges are ironed out, and she is willing to make a statement with her songs. Her latest single, Common Ground, takes on, in allegorical fashion, some of the rifts in rural Ontario that have been revealed through the COVID epidemic and our collective response.

The chorus could be a primer for how to move forward in our communities – “Lets’ keep it civil, somewhere in the middle, we’re from the same damn town. I’m just looking for some Common Ground”

Other featured acts at the Beach Bash are Brian John Harwood, Gabrielle Goulet and Kelsi Mayne.

The cost for the evening of entertainment is $25 per person. The gates will open at 5pm, and in addition to music, it will also feature local food from Seed to Sausage, The Cardinal Café, Frenchies, and a beer tent courtesy of the Kick and Push Brewing Company.

Tickets are available at selected local retailers and online at www.cmaontario.ca/product/sharbot-lake-bbq-beach-bash

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