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Feature Article November 6

Feature Article November 6, 2003

LAND O' LAKES NewsWeb Home

South Frontenac CouncilSydenham Water: As a result of concerns raised by the Sydenham Safe Water Association (SSWA), council asked the Health Unit to re-test the village water for bacteria and nitrates. This was done in late September. Bacteria test results were back several weeks ago, but nitrate testing takes longer, so those results are only now arriving. Richard Munroe spoke to council on behalf of the SSWA: he said that bacteria levels in parts of the village are high, but that the water from most of these wells is being successfully treated by in-house, point-of-use methods. The SSWA recommends that the source of this contamination be determined and dealt with.

Mr Munroe passed out village maps showing the nitrate test results done in 1983 (16 out of 243 were over the acceptable limits), 1997 (60 out of 179 were high in nitrates), and 2003 (13 of 153 were high). He noted that the very large number of high nitrate wells in 1997 was seen as important by the engineering firm Totten Sims Hubicki, and was the basis on which the township applied for, and received funding to help install a water treatment system for the village. However, the SSWA has been unable to determine where these 1997 figures came from, and suggests that the current results, in combination with the test results of six months ago, may provide a much more accurate picture of the extent of nitrate pollution in the village.

Councils water committee will meet once all the current test results are in, and then make recommendations to council. No date has been set for the water committee meeting.

Speed Limits: A request by Stagecoach Road residents south of Forest Road that council extend the 60kph speed limit to include their end of the road was referred to the Public Works manager for recommendations. This road is used by a number of Sydenham villagers to access the Gardner Road area of Kingston, as well as Sydenham Road south. (No mention was made of the intense lobbying several years ago by residents of Stagecoach Road which led to its being upgraded to its present excellent condition, which may invite speeding. This seems to be a common dilemma in areas being developed throughout the commuter areas north of Kingston.)

Support: Council authorized a letter in support of the Land O Lakes Communications Network Broadband Pilot Program.

Zoning By-law: Council agreed to request the Ontario Municipal Board make an order "that all portions of ...The Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Township of South Frontenac, which are not under appeal to the OMB, be deemed to have come into effect the day the by-law was passed, being September 16, 2003."

OMB Hearing re Snelgrove Appeals: The OMB has dismissed Mr. Snelgroves appeals regarding three consent applications and Zoning By-law Amendment.

With the participation of the Government of Canada