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Feature Article November 12

Feature Article November 12, 2003

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A Murder

Last week I saw a murder - no, not a murder of a human being, but a murder of crows. Did you know that a collective name for crows is a murder?There were three murders in various cornfields on the way to Perth. At this time of year the American Crows are gathering in flocks or murders as they either migrate or move into an area where they will find food during the winter. Do you not think that a 'murder of crows' is much more descriptive than 'a flock of crows'?

People have developed some imaginative collective names for most common birds and animals, and while some are rarely used, others are more prevalent. A 'gaggle of geese' seems very descriptive for the noise that a number of geese can make. Have you heard of an 'exaltation of larks'? This really seems appropriate for these song birds that will sing high in the sky. When the ducks gather in migration on a lake or large river they really do resemble a 'raft'. Whoever described a group of buzzards as a 'wake' as they gather around a dead animal hit the nail on the head. Other birds that have interesting Collective names are: a 'murmuration of starlings' (lots of those around at this time of the year); a 'charm of finches'; an' unkindness of ravens'; a wisdom of owls' or 'a parliament of owls'; and when Blue Jays gather in tree tops and start their calls to each other 'a scold of jays' or 'a band of jays' fits the occasion. 'An ostentation of peacocks' or a 'pride of peacocks' seems especially suited, and 'a gulp of cormorants' accurately describes the way these birds swallow fish. Animals also have garnered some vivid names. 'A tower of giraffes', 'a mob of kangaroos', 'a business of ferrets', 'a prickle of porcupines', 'a romp of otters', and 'a scurry of squirrels' are some of my favorites. Not to be left out amphibians, insects and fish all have various designations - such as 'a knot of toads', 'an army of frogs', 'a clutter of spiders', 'a flutter of butterflies'and 'a rhumba of rattlesnakes', though I am not sure how the last one suits a bunch of snakes. Have you ever had 'an intrusion of cockroaches' or seen a 'cloud of grasshoppers'? Observations.Helm, in Oconto, had an immature Bald Eagle on Nov. 3, and a Fox Sparrow on Nov. 8. Also on the 8th at my place near Maberly, 1 Rusty Blackbird and 1 Evening Grosbeak (other Evening Grosbeaks have been seen in Glen Tay and along the Rideau). Share your observations by calling Jean at 268-2518 or email her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

With the participation of the Government of Canada