Elbow Lake Environmental Education Centre | Aug 12, 2015

Party Crashers - Invasive Species - are bad news for our native plants. The Frontenac Stewardship Foundation has a plan to fight these party crashers, because invasive species are having a significant impact on the County of Frontenac’s natural biodiversity. The ecological effects of invasive species are often irreversible and, once established, invasive species are extremely difficult and costly to eradicate.

On August 29, join the Invasive Species Community Seminar and learn how to combat the party crashers in your area. The Frontenac Stewardship Foundation and Queen’s University Biological Station are hosting this active learning day at the Elbow Lake Environmental Education Centre, near Perth Road Village. The seminar is part of the Frontenac Stewardship 2015 Seminar Series. Sponsorship is generously provided by the Community Foundation for Kingston and Area.

Provincial leaders from the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters join reps from Queen's University, Nature Conservancy of Canada and Ducks Unlimited to present current policy, research and on-the-ground practices for combating invasive species, using case studies that emphasize local threats.

Topics include: The risk of invasive species and preventing their spread; using research to guide policy and best practices; the Rapid Response Program; and

Invasive species strategy, monitoring and active control in the Frontenac Arch Natural Area.

Species of particular concern for our area include: wild parsnip, dog-strangling vine, zebra mussels, European frogbit, European buckthorn and garlic mustard. A tour of the Elbow Lake property will showcase the garlic mustard, dog-strangling vine and European buckthorn management areas. Learn how to identify local invasive plants at various stages, understand why these species are so invasive, and practise some recommended management strategies. Find out how you can help monitor the spread of invasive plants at a broader scale using Citizen Science programs.

The Invasive Species Community Seminar takes place on Saturday, August 29 from 9am to 3:30pm at the Elbow Lake Environmental Education Centre near Perth Road Village in South Frontenac Township. All are welcome; there is no charge for admission, but space is limited, so advance registration by Friday, Aug. 21, is recommended. Overnight accommodation is available on-site for a nominal fee. To register or for more information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 613-353-7968. Also visit www.elbowlakecentre.ca.

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