Apr 08, 2015

South Frontenac loses long-time volunteer
Deputy Mayor McDougall spoke of Richard Harrison at the beginning of this week's meeting of South Frontenac Council (April 7). Harrison, died recently, “on the job” McDougall said, at Community Caring in Hartington. For many years, Harrison has been an active supporter and organizer at the little community thrift shop in Hartington that through the sale of donated goods, mostly clothing, returns many thousands of dollars to the community every year.
“He will be missed.” said McDougall.
Johnston Point (Continued)
Johnston Point is the name of a condominium proposal which would create several large waterfront housing lots in an area adjacent to some environmentally sensitive wetlands on the eastern arm of Loughborough Lake. Local residents and most members of Council feel there are still too many unanswered questions about the relationship of these proposed properties and the neighbouring wetlands for this proposal to be forwarded to County Council, which is responsible for final approval of the proposal. (The Township has been delegated by the County to gather initial information on the application, and make recommendations to County.) Two motions, one asking for a peer review of the environmental assessment, and the second listing ten questions that the present proposal does not address, were deferred until Planner Lindsay Mills presents his final recommendations
at the next Council meeting. Mills assured Council that this final report will reflect feedback he has received
from community members and Council.
Meanwhile, the developer has appealed his plan of condominium to the OMB, on the grounds that more than 180 days have elapsed without his receiving a decision from the County.
South Frontenac Rides: Council accepted Frontenac Rides
(a group established to encourage participation in cycling) as a Committee of Council: this will provide liability coverage for the group and its activities, and facilitate partnerships with Frontenac County, the OPP, the Fire Service and the Public Health Unit.
Fire hall sub-committee turned down
Council decided not to form a sub-committee of the fire chief and three councillors to make recommendations on possible locations of fire halls. Instead these issues will come to Council as a whole. Council did approve a motion to have staff and the mayor ‘examine suitable locations for a new fire station within 2 km of Perth Road Village” and make recommendations to Council.
New Roads and Lane Standards Policy
Council agreed to replace the Roads and Lanes Standards Policy of 2006 with an updated and clearer version as presented by Public Works Manager Mark Segsworth.
2005 Tandem Truck needs New Engine
Segsworth reported that one of the Tandem Dump trucks has had sand entering the engine through an improperly seated turbocharger intake pipe. This has resulted in damage so extensive that the engine will need to be replaced. Council agreed with his recommendation that they apply the $50,000. that had been budgeted for portable hoists to the purchase of a new engine for the truck, which is in otherwise good condition. The hoists will be deferred to next year.
Hartington Cleanup Proving Costly
Segsworth updated Council on the environmental remediation of the Township-owned property at the corner of Holleford Road and 38. Soil contamination was much more extensive than anticipated when the fuel tanks were removed, and local people say there may be still more abandoned tanks to be discovered. The $50,000 budgeted in 2014 for cleanup has already been exhausted. Council approved an additional $100,000 for demolition, asbestos abatement and soil remediation. Segsworth noted that the cost would have been “substantially higher if we were not permitted to dispose of this material at our own waste disposal sites.

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