Kelli McRobert | Apr 12, 2023

While last week many of us were not too hopeful that spring would arrive anytime soon, the weather warmed enough on the weekend to get people back outside. The Boy Scouts hosted their annual pancake breakfast in Verona on Friday at the Lions Hall, and many people headed to local restaurants for the Good Friday fish and chip celebration.

In Perth Road Village, 250+ hungry guests descended upon the Harris Hall to enjoy a fundraising pancake and sausage breakfast. The tables were packed with families as they gobbled up a buffet-style feast. Maple syrup was on every table and it was kindly donated by Votary’s maple bush in Perth Road Village. The Votary’s built their first shack in 1919 and it has been a family tradition ever since located at 5763 Perth Road.

The days of 2000 taps are behind them however, new tree growth continues since an ice storm damaged many of the trees in 1998. This family run business continues to thrive and annually supports the pancake breakfast with the Votary syrup as the main focus. This year approximately $3000 was raised to support local initiatives. A vendor market was on hand next door, where the Leland Helping Hands were selling local crafts and preserves that return directly to their community. In the past they have donated to organizations such as Sydenham Food Bank, Brooks Landing Seniors Home, Easter Seals, Clothes for Kids, University Hospitals Kingston, Salvation Army, and Fairmount Home. They are always looking for new members and they can be reached at 613-353-2635, Peggy Newport, for more information.

Since 1987, this breakfast has been giving back to the community, and only stopped during COVID with this year being it’s return from ‘lockdown’ status. Volunteers managed the kitchen and buffet lines, as others busied themselves with clearing tables, setting places, and greeting guests as they arrived to the smell of hot pancakes on the grill and sausages wafting across the hall. There was a comfortable buzz of conversation as everyone slathered on butter and poured the liquid gold over the fluffy cakes. A strawberry coulis was added to the main table so you could get a tasty bite of tangy sauce with each bite.

Outside there were children’s games, sidewalk chalk, and of course, maple syrup sales, as parents led toddlers between activities, getting them outside, and active as the day continued to warm with April sunshine. Balloons adorned the pathways, and there was a festive air, with Easter on everyone’s minds. A few children played, in the well-situated park, amongst the forest as adults milled through the vendor village and caught up with friends they had missed.

Steve Bach who is the Chair of the Sunday School Hall Board, talked about the events of the day, and noted that he had been in this role since the passing of Ken Shepherd who had been overseeing the event for many years prior.

He gave credit to Rita and Edwina, who oversaw the baked goods table which is a popular attraction, and to the bakers donated the yummy goods each year for the fundraising event.

The Perth Road Maple Festival is an annual event and volunteers are always welcome. Thank you to those volunteers who made the event a great success. They are looking forward to next year.

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