| Sep 21, 2022

Draft Financials

Council received the report of the 2021 draft financials which include a list of variables, and an analysis which showed overall expenditures came in slightly under budget. The overall surplus is carried over into the Working Funds reserve. A number of projects (totaling over $12million) were carried forward into 2022.

Councillor Revill asked why this report was being brought forward; Chef Administrative Officer (CAO) Louise Fragnito replied that it was “commonly done.” There were no other comments.

CCRA report to Township

Cataraqui Conservation was seeking input on proposed updates to its Guidelines for Implementing Ontario Regulation 148/06: Development, Interference with Wetlands, and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses, to ensure that proposed changes (e.g. development and site alteration) to a property are not affected by natural hazards, such as flooding and erosion, and that the changes do not put people and their and/or other properties at greater risk from these hazards. The purpose is also to protect the hydrologic and ecologic functions of wetlands. With a few minor changes, the Township’s Planning staff supports these changes as having potential to reduce conflict at the planning approval stage.

Recreation Committee Structure Review

The trial terms of the two Township Recreation Committees are set to expire on November 30th, 2022. Staff have reviewed the current structure and recommending that the Township move to a one committee structure that will meet the needs of the community while working towards Council’s Strategic Direction and achieving recommendations of the Recreation, Parks & Leisure Master Plan.

Councillor Sleeth, admitting that he had originally been opposed to replacing the existing four recreation committees with one township-wide committee, said that he now agrees, as long as there is representation from all districts.

Councillor Sutherland suggested that perhaps the various local volunteer-run events such as Pumpkinfest and Lakes and Trails, should become township events. CAO Fragnito said their current relationship with the township was a means of providing insurance coverage. Mayor Vandewal said that he favoured maintaining this blend: “Pumpkinfest is Battersea/Storrington”s event and should remain that way. The township lends its support in helping where needed in set-up, communication. etc.”

There were several comments about positive Amanda Pantrey’s help with set-up, advertising and general support with many recreation-related events throughout the Township.

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