Greg Morris | Sep 22, 2021

Maybe I should have written this letter prior to the election, but I really don’t presume I would have any influence on voters. Although I’ve never been a party loyalist, I would like to take this opportunity to “protest” Randy, Mad Max, Derek and their entourages. I would say my protest is much more respectful via the paper rather than in the faces of hardworking front line individuals struggling to deal with these times. My view is that they and their ilk are the ones responsible for stalling Canada’s recovery from Covid-19.

So, just to get it out there to all of the Frontenac News readers and get it off my chest, I and my wife are double vaccinated as of June. I am big time pro “look out for my fellow human beings”. Approximately 20% of Canadians prefer to think about their own individual “rights” instead of the health of family, friends, co-workers, strangers, etc., etc.


I am begging the unvaccinated out there to at least be brave enough about your convictions to let the vaccinated majorityknow your status. Then, we may make an educated and informed decision regarding our personal health and where we go or do not go.


I have said before in this paper regarding cigarettes that I don’t care if you wear your motorcycle or ATV helmet, I don’t care if you wear or have lifejackets in your boat because then you are taking chances with your own life. But I totally think there should be consequences for decisions that affect other people


The Covid pandemic is far worse than tobacco and I believe the greater good is far more important than burying your head in the ”Facebook sand”.


If you are going to be stubborn and refuse vaccinatioin, please do the honourable thing and let others know!


Greg Morris

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