G. Leslie Balogh | Jan 15, 2020

As of January 13th, the Iranian Government has admitted that their Revolutionary Guard shot down Flight #655, the civilian aircraft in transit to the Ukraine.

Again, the CBC reported this action as “accidental”—seemingly to lighten the impact between Iran and Canada.

Consider how ground-to-air missles operate.  A remote platform (a vehicle) supports the weapon on its launch track. The crew responsible for this weapon tracks the sky for aircraft by radar and other electronics. Once a suspicious intruding aircraft is found, their responsibility is to IDENTIFY this aircraft. Their options are to put out a warning by radio, send another aircraft to make air-flight visible contact, or to destroy the intruding aircraft.  

Moving forward into active engagement, the crew monitoring the intruder reads the surveillance info and programs coordinates into the missile system electronics, initiates tracking the plane, and then the senior military officer issues the command, and someone PRESSES THE APPRORIATE CONTROL SWITCH TO LAUNCH THE MISSLE.

There is nothing accidental about shooting down the plane.  It was an act of military aggression – with prejudice.  Who did they think they were destroying?

The civilian aircraft was registered to leave Tehran for Ukraine and had on-board electronics emitting a signal identifying them as CIVILIAN AIRCRAFT!

Prime Minister Trudeau salts every press conference with an excuse for the Iranians (accidental?) and the suggestion that the United States President might be to blame. Who pushed the launch button?!  Trudeau is unfit to represent the outrage that should have been declared to the world – that Iran committed an act of war against Canada by intentionally destroying a civilian aircraft. President Trump acted in accordance with the Iranian “theatrical hostility.”

Prime Minister Trudeau is unfit to stand his ground and act “Prime-Minist-orially”.    Our beloved country, Canada,

Is now held out to the world as just another banana republic – fearful of a potential enemy who destroys civilians in their own flight plan.  Notice:  several days have passed before Iran admitted this act.

I, for one, will not accept this misrepresentation of Canada – this insult to injury—that an ineffective PM tries to shuffle off to a stunned nation in mourning.

G. Leslie Balogh


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