John Lesperance | Jul 19, 2017

At last Tuesday’s (July 11th) meeting, SF Council voted to defer consideration of water quality testing for hydrocarbons (BTEX compounds (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene)) in the wells of residents of the hamlet of Hartington. This despite expert recommendation to do so as a precaution to ensure that the domestic wells within 300 metres of the old gas station spill site  (now owned by the township) were tested for cancer-causing benzene.

Amazingly, not all councillors seemed to be aware that SF Township had already tested several wells in the immediate vicinity of the contaminated ground. At a cost of only $300 per well it should have been a ‘no brainer’ to complete the job, and show concern for the residents’ health, especially as it is not their fault that the gas station groundwater contains unsafe levels of hydrocarbons. And the cost will be a lot less than the Perth Road fire hall estimate ‘overruns’.

Meanwhile, the Council was quick to support assessing water quality in Sydenham Lake by supporting the establishment of a sampling program for chloride and sodium contamination at storm water outfalls (Sydenham Lake Water Stewardship Program).  No motion to defer there.

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