Craig Bakay | Nov 04, 2020

At the end of the day (1pm) 479 people received their flu shots in a massive undertaking that was the first drive-through clinic of its kind ever in the area.

From the turnoff entrance on to Dickson Crescent, down the windy hilly road around back of the ball diamond, through the parking lot, up the hill to the GREC parking lot for the shot to the five-minute wait to ensure there were no adverse reactions, the entire process took exactly an hour start to finish at the busiest time of the day, but it didn’t seem anywhere near that long.

It included checking health cards, an explanation of the process as well as the shot itself (author’s note: I didn’t catch the name of the guy in the Paramedic Supervisor jacket that gave me my shot but if I ever need another needle, he’s the guy I want — I didn’t feel a thing). Those working at the clinic were very busy but didn’t seem overwhelmed. They took time to explain things and answer questions.

The operation was a “combined community effort” of several agencies under the umbrella of KFL&A Public Health, said Maggie Black, executive director of the Sharbot Lake Family Health Team.

“We reached out to them and Frontenac Paramedics and they were instrumental in the organization, which also included Rural Frontenac Community Services, Central Frontenac Fire Fighters and the Township of Central Frontenac,” Black said. “I think it was a wonderful community effort.”

Black said that in BC (Before COVID) times, the Family Health Team provides flu shots during regular patient visits between October to March, and runs a clinic for the public in October in the community room at the Sharbot Lake Family Heath Team. The clinic draws about 200 people each year, considerably less than half of Saturday’s recipients.

“With COVID-19 concerns, this was the only way we could hold it safely,” she said. “We had all age ranges and it went well.

“And we learned quite a lot for if we have to do it again this way next year.”

Upcoming flu shot clinics - November 5 (1pm-6pm) at the Verona Lions Park, sponsored by the Verona Medical Centre – November 5 (10am -3pm) and November 14 (10am – 3pm) at the Sharbot Lake Legion, sponsored by Sharbot Lake Pharmasave - November 10 (2pm-6pm) and November 17 (10am -2pm) at Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church – sponsored by the Sydenham Medical Centre. Clinics in other locations may be set up in the coming weeks. We will update our readers in upcoming editions and online. Also, check your local pharmacy. Most of them are providing flu shots, but call ahead for details.

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