Susan Ramsay | Apr 26, 2012

A beautiful 100-acre upland wilderness area has been donated to the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust Conservancy (MMLTC) by the family of Charlie Armstrong and his daughters, Charlene and Bethany. On Friday, May 4, the public is invited to visit Rose Hill Nature Reserve to celebrate this generous donation.

The land, located just west of Rose Hill Lake, will be preserved in perpetuity by MMLTC, a registered charity. It will become a Nature Reserve for environmental education, research and low-impact recreational public enjoyment. An access trail traverses the property.

Charles Armstrong purchased the property in the 1940s. It was close to the Fritsch farm in Denbigh where his wife had grown up. Bethany and Charlene fondly remember the happy annual outings to Rose Hill in later years with the grandchildren who were entranced as Grandpa would point out natural landmarks and identify trees, plants and animal tracks. Charlene and Bethany are gratified that this wonderful tract of forest and wetlands that their father loved so much will be cared for and appreciated by future generations as it matures and evolves. They know that Charlie would have been simply delighted!

For MMLTC, Rose Hill is an important acquisition because of its high wilderness value. With passive management, this Nature Reserve is expected to become a showcase of rich habitats, especially for threatened and endangered species. The property lies within the important Algonquin to Adirondack corridor and is the first property in this area under formal protection. The public will be encouraged to visit Rose Hill Nature Reserve to learn more about the importance of nature conservation and protection.

The acquisition of this property was supported by the Ontario Land Trust Assistance Program (OLTAP), which assists eligible recipients with the costs of land securement transactions to help conserve Ontario’s biodiversity. OLTAP is an initiative of the Ontario Land Trust Alliance made possible by the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through the Department of Environment and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

You are invited to join Bethany and Charlene and representatives of the Land Trust on May 4 at 2 p.m. to formally complete the donation and transfer of the property into the ownership and protection of the Land Trust. Following a brief ceremony, there will be a short guided tour of part of the property to appreciate what the Charlie Armstrong family and the MMLTC find so special. To reach the Rose Hill Nature Reserve, just north of Denbigh on Highway 41, turn east on Rose Hill Road and follow the signs.

For further information regarding this event, the Rose Hill Nature Reserve or the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust Conservancy, please visit or call 613-278-2939.


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