| Aug 02, 2007

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Feature Article - August 2, 2007

The power of volunteer groups

“A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

Richard Lindgren, lawyer for the residents of Tyendinaga Township who worked with CARE and other groups to successfully oppose the expansion of the Richmond landfill site, will be this year’s speaker at the Friends of the Salmon River Open House on Saturday, August 18.

Everyone is welcome to attend this free community event at the Wesleyan Church on Hwy. 41 in Roblin. The Annual General Meeting and election for the new executive begins at 1:30pm and Mr. Lindgren speaks at 2:30pm on “The Power of Volunteer Groups”.

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His message is one of energy, optimism, and possibility; that wise environmental decisions can be made if determined citizens stand together.

Richard Lindgren, B.A., LL.B., is a staff lawyer with the Canadian Environmental Law Association. He represents citizens' groups in the courts and before tribunals and has written extensively on matters of environmental law and policy. He teaches environmental law at Queen's and Trent Universities.

In these days of powerful multinationals and entrenched interests, it often seems impossible for ordinary citizens to have a voice and to influence events. But the ultimate success of the Richmond landfill opposition was due in large part to the cooperation of motivated volunteers, and the coming together of neighbours to achieve a common purpose.

“This fight took a long time and a lot of effort and fundraising by our community volunteers, but it was worth it in the end,” says Mr. Lindgren. “I would call this a prime example of the influence of volunteer groups.”

“The Power of Volunteer Groups” will help us discover how volunteers can produce such a triumph.

Visit your neighbours and the Friends of the Salmon River at our Open House. View displays from community groups and learn about local environmental issues at information booths. Talk to our specialist about your water quality test results. Contribute your ideas and input for future projects.

The Friends of the Salmon River is a group of committed volunteers. Join us to stand together for our health, our happiness, and our children’s future.

For more information, contact John Liggett at 613-379-5060.


The Friends of the Salmon River is a group of volunteers united to protect and preserve our common heritage. We are a motivated group formed in 2004 to care for the Salmon watershed by gathering, producing, and dispensing knowledge in educational projects for users of the watershed. We hope that by informing users, their attachment to the land will be strengthened and their stewardship will be more effective. The Friends are reaching out to the community to help us safeguard a jewel the Salmon River watershed.

In September of 2006, FSR produced a book, The Salmon River Watershed: Jewel of Eastern Ontario. This valuable resource explores the rich history, geology, and ecology of the entire watershed, and is illustrated with colour photos. Copies were donated to schools, libraries and government offices in the watershed. Limited numbers of books are still available in local retail outlets.

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