| Nov 22, 2007

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Feature Article - November 22, 2007

South Frontenac Council - Nov. 20by Wilma Kenny


Official Plan Review: Olivia Groenewegen addressed council on behalf of the Concerned Farmers of the Future. In reference to the Official Plan Review, she noted the township’s stated commitment to "enhance and improve the rural character of the township," and expressed her group’s concerns about loss of farmland, threats to groundwater, and increased traffic that come with development and declining farm sustainability. She suggested some potential solutions: control of strip development and infilling of lots on private lanes, in order to preserve farmland and reduce the risk of groundwater depletion, and greater awareness and support in general of agriculture. Quoting the Official Plan’s commitment to "making this an outstanding rural community capable of sustaining itself for future generations," she summarized: "Agriculture is the key component to sustaining an entire community."

An open house for residents to learn more about the 2007 Official Plan Review will be held Tuesday November 27, 2-4 & 7-9 at the Sydenham township hall.

Western Cataraqui Region Groundwater Survey

Council passed a motion receiving the survey report, agreed to support the creation of a groundwater protection and implementation committee, and agreed to consider the recommendations of the study when doing future updates of the Township’s plan and zoning by-laws.

Sydenham Water Bills

Township treasurer Deb Bracken reported, "The process that needs to be completed before the bills can be calculated and mailed for the Sydenham Waterworks has been long and frustrating for all parties."

The final claim to OSTAR could not be submitted until all contract holdbacks had been released, and the ‘growth related cost" recalculated, as neither federal nor provincial governments will pay subsidy on the growth component. The final claim was submitted October 15, but the project analyst estimates that clearance from the prov/fed governments won’t be given for at least eight weeks. Following this, the water by-law will need to be updated to accommodate any adjustments to the growth component and billing schedule.

Councillor McPhail commented that he felt there must be political input before the bylaw is revised, and CAO Burns assured him it would come before a Committee of the Whole for discussion. Burns did not expect there to be much change from the original by-law.

So, no capital cost water bills for Sydenham residents before Christmas, but some time in early 2008...

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