| Apr 21, 2005

Nature Reflections, April 21, 2005

Nature Reflections April 21, 2005

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The Internet can be a marvellous resource for information, and sometimes the pictures are absolutely magnificent. This last is the case with a picture diary of a hummingbird nest. Thanks to Dale Ham for sending this website: http://community-2.webtv.net/hotmail.com/verle33/HummingBirdNest/ Check it out - it is delightful!


Observations: The first reports of butterflies: I saw a Mourning Cloak on April 10, and Helm, Oconto, had one on April 13. The first reports of frogs - Spring Peepers calling on April 10 in Parham, and April 13 in Oconto, and Wolfe Lake area. Chorus frogs also calling April 12 on Armstrong Line. An early Northern Watersnake was spotted by Steve Blight in a small pond, Armstrong Road, on April 9 or 10. The lakes are opening up - the first day that McGowan Lake was mostly ice free was April 12, and the Common Loon was there. Susan Wilkes was watching 10 loons on Wolfe Lake on the 14th. Shirley Peruniak saw three Tree Swallows in Sharbot Lake on the 7th, both an Osprey and an Eastern Phoebe on the 8th, a Killdeer on the 10th, had a visit from a Merlin on the 11th and a Northern Flicker on the 15th. Mark Saunders, Burke Settlement Road, saw a Northern Flicker, Sandhill Cranes, Black-backed Woodpecker, Fox and White-throated Sparrows on April 7, a Ruby-throated Kinglet on the 13th, and an American Bittern on the 14th. Linda Chappell saw five Wild Turkeys near Hwy 509 south of Mississippi on the 15th. I had a brief visit from a small flock of Evening Grosbeaks on the 13th (the first this winter). A Pileated Woodpecker is busy excavating a hole in a hydro pole on Highway 7; it was there for at least four days last year and apparently is back to finish the job this year. Skunk Cabbage are in bloom.

Share your observations: contact Jean at 268-2518; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Who is going to see the first Dandelion?

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