| Jun 02, 2005

Feature article, May 26, 2005

Feature article May 26, 2005

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Open letter to Mayor Maguire:

It has come to our attention recently, via the grapevine (a few permanent residents), that the Township of North Frontenac intends to build a new, expensive fire station, several kilometres away from the present centrally located station.

We object to this plan on several grounds. This increases the distance to the fire hall from our area by nearly 25%. Being a greater distance from the fire hall will no doubt increase our fire insurance rates. There is even the possibility that insurance companies would decline our coverage.

In addition to these problems, what is the source of the funds for this building? We know the answer to that--- increase the taxes. As waterfront property owners, our taxes have already increased astronomically.


We also object to your timing regarding this venture. When you spoke at the AGM of Big Gull Lake East End Cottage Association on August 30, 2003, one of your promises was to communicate and consult with seasonal residents, in order for them to have more involvement and input into administrative affairs, and in this matter we dont feel you have done this. Yes, we know that you held two public meetings last summer to which cottagers were invited, but there was no mention of a new fire station at that time. Surely a venture of this size must have been in the works, even then.

In your February 2005 letter, enclosed with our tax bills, there is a hint of action regarding the fire hall, and I quote,the Clarendon-Miller Fire Station may be relocated. Later this spring Council will consider detailed plans, options and costs for renovating and adding on to the old MNR Work Centre in Plevna. Why not add to and make improvements to the existing fire station? Have any cottagers been approached and asked for their input? If a new fire hall is deemed a necessity, some consideration should be given to locating it centrally, rather than further to the north, so that residents of the southern part of the township have at least the same protection as they now have.

The following residents of Tanbark Bay on Big Gull Lake have approved this letter and put their signatures to it.

Nancy and Ken Kingston, Paul and Donna Roche, Carole Morin, Ron and Heather Wood,

Eric and Bev Williams, Nancy and David Riddell, Mike Stapleton and Lisa-Marie Hall, Susan Bowes, Marie Kingston, Mary Kingston

Re: Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance tries again at North Frontenac Council, May 19, 2005

"Nobody wants to ride the roads," the president of the Ottawa Valley ATV Club is quoted as saying in the above article.

Apparently an incorrect statement, if the individual ATV rider at Godfrey on May 21 is an example. He took off down Highway 38 after doing numerous wheelies back and forth across it, manoeuvres in which he also entered the wrong lane on the Westport Rd., and stopped sideways there. He had fun too racing his machine so it created clouds of exhaust and dust and lots of noise. Okay, ATV clubs and North Frontenac, South Frontenac and other councils - drivers like this are now on the public roads. The above is a real example. I'd call it also a real concern.

If you agree, are you able to do something effective about it? They are on the roads because of your decisions.

- Miriam Clavir

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