Jack Alexander | May 03, 2023

I am concerned about the following situation that is happening on Kennebec Road.

It seems that some people are using the north side of Kennebec road as a trash dump. This started happening about a year ago and is progressively getting worse this year. This is happening just a short distance in off Henderson Road. As I understand it, one of my neighbours contacted a council member about this last year and nothing has occurred since. This spring, the problem has grown worse. In this day and age, with concerns about the environment, I find it hard to believe that people would do such and thing, and that the council member contacted last year would fail to follow up on something like this.

Personally, I am embarrassed when I have visitors and they have to pass by this mess along the road to reach my home. It's bad enough that we have to see this every time we travel down our road to go to town.

From what I have been told, it's the present property's owners responsibility to clean up this mess. However, the property appears to be abandoned since the previous, or current, owner has not been seen up here for some years.

I have attached a few photos of the situation, and I have many more. The first one is from last year, and the remainder from just a few days ago.

This can not go on. Those of us that live on Kennebec Road take pride in out property and having to contend with is beyond what we expect living in Central Frontenac.

You assistance in resolving this situation would be greatly appreciated.

- Jack Alexander

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