Mar 08, 2017

Addington Highlands Council is interested in a joint Councils meeting with North Frontenac, just not on the timetable North proposed.

Responding to a request from North at its regular meeting Monday in Flinton, several councillors reported that they were unavailable for the suggested dates of the weeks of March 20 or March 27. Add to that Addington Highlands Clerk-Treasurer Christine Reed has already booked vacation time during that period and would also be unavailable.

On the agenda for said meeting would be a discussion of the Kaladar-Barrie Fire Department 2017 budget with Chief Casey Cuddy.

Council instructed staff to suggest April 5 or 7 as alternate dates for the meeting.

Reeve Henry Hogg even suggested a location for the meeting — Barrie Hall in Cloyne

“I can walk to there,” Hogg said.

Billa flint remembered
Flinton resident Dale Smart was at Council requesting a plaque be put on her house commemorating one of its earlier residents — Billa Flint, for whom the village was named (originally Flint’s Mills).

“He was also our first senator,” Smart said. “The town was laid out in 1860 and I believe the house was built in 1885.

“It’s the most historic place in town at the moment.”

Coun. Tony Fritsch said: “we don’t have anything in place (for things like erecting plaques.)”

“It hasn’t come up,” said Reeve Henry Hogg.

Fritsch suggested contacting the historical society to see if they had any policies or information on heritage properties.

“We’ll look into the for you,” said Hogg.

Tipping fee delay
Following the recommendation of Clerk-Treasurer Christine Reed, changes to tipping fees at Addington Highlands waste sites will go into effect April 15 as opposed to April 1.

“This will give attendants two more weeks to hand out notices,” she said.

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