| Jun 30, 2005

Feature article, July 7, 2005

Feature article July 7, 2005

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Dombrowsky shuffled to Agriculture

by Jeff Green

After spending 2 years at the helm of the Environment Ministry, Leona Dombrowsky was moved by Premier Dalton McGuinty in last weeks cabinet shuffle.

Dombrowsky has been named the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and will remain a member of the Priorities and Planning Committee of Cabinet, the co-called inner cabinet.

In announcing the shuffle, Premier McGuinty said there had been no demotions, but Toronto media outlets would have none of it, naming winners and losers in the shuffle. Leona Dombrowskys name was not associated with either list.

Rather, the shuffle was seen as a promotion for Agriculture and rural Ontario, with the Minister responsible now sitting in the inner cabinet.

Not surprisingly, Dombrowsky said she is pleased with the appointment, making reference to an increased role for Agriculture within the Ontario government.


"Agriculture and rural Ontario are essential to the prosperity of all Ontarians, and I'm grateful for this opportunity to work on their behalf, at the highest levels of government, where key decisions are made," Dombrowsky said.

The appointment has been welcomed by several farm organizations, including the Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA).

OFA has had fruitful relations with Minister Dombrowsky [when] her work with the environment focused on nutrient management regulations, a major issue for farmers. She has demonstrated a good knowledge of agriculture, and has been understanding of its needs and circumstances, said OFA President Ron Bonnett.

The agricultural community was disappointed with the recent Liberal budget, which cut provincial funding to the Agricultural sector

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