Wilma Kenny | Jan 27, 2016

Deputy Mayor Sutherland chaired the meeting: Mayor Vandewal and Councillor McDougall were both absent.

Delegations to Council

North Frontenac Community Services

Louise Moody, of NFCS briefly described her agency’s services to children and families: daycare in Sharbot Lake, early years playgroups throughout the County, youth programming, family counselling and Frontenac Transportation services. She thanked Council for their $16,000 financial support this year, which goes to programs for youth such as “Kids Fit”, which introduces lacrosse and snowshoeing, after-school programs, and the Red Cross babysitter-training program.

Habitat for Humanity

Dave McGraff and Ron Darling introduced the Habitat for Humanity program, which helps local people build their own houses. (One was completed recently in Tichborne.) McGraff says they are on the lookout for affordable properties in South Frontenac that would be appropriate to build on, ie, close to settlement areas, where there is access to resources.

Harrowsmith Zoning Issue

Pat Lalonde, a Harrowsmith resident, expressed her concern about an application to rezone a small lot as 'Industrial Commercial', without knowing beforehand exactly which of the listed possible uses for which it may be developed. The lot in question is intended as a lot addition to a much larger Industrial Commercial property which is the site of a number of long-term storage units.

Hartington Subdivision Proposal

Councillor Sleeth asked what was the next step in this process: CAO Orr said that Public Works has met with the township consultant and the MOE, and once they have more information (related, presumably, to the ‘new information’ that stalled further discussion at the last Council meeting,) the issue will come back to Council.

Process Map for Subdivision/Condo Development

In an attempt to achieve clarity, CAO Orr presented a three-page, six-column flow chart to help define roles and set out timelines in the process of moving from initial proposal to final development of a subdivision. Orr agreed that it is not a simple one-line process, for there are many players involved. Deputy Mayor Sutherland asked for more evidence of community involvement. “My eyes glaze over,” said Councillor Revill. Orr said this was a work in progress: he was presenting it for information, and would be looking at best practices before bringing the flow chart back.

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