Josephine Van Alstine | Mar 23, 2022

I am ashamed to be Canadian. The freedom convoy was disgusting. For what freedom? Whose freedom were they protesting? This wasn’t a protest, it was a siege demanding to see the Prime Minister while threatening his life – also threatening the Parliament buildings, desecrating the monuments of Terry Fox, dancing on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and urinating on the snow. They must feel proud, keeping people from opening their businesses, causing destruction of property, dancing in the streets and demanding food from a soup kitchen.

In World War II, I remember young men 18 and over going to fight for freedom. Waking in the morning and wondering what friend, neighbour or relative had been killed or was missing. Women and girls went to the munition factories, farms and other heavy labour. Children 12 and over conscripted to help on farms. We had ration cards for tea, sugar, butter, meat and gasoline. Workers had a hard time keeping enough gas from one week to the next. If you had no gas, you walked.

I remember an airplane crashing at Ragged Chutes near my home. My brother and sister were crying as the search planes were flying so low you could see the pilot, and my parents had to reassure them that they were safe planes and wouldn’t hurt them.

These were the true patriots and freedom fighters. 4 years of war, not 2 of pandemic. Over 6 million people worldwide have died with Covid-19.

These people would no doubt have done everything they could to live and be free. I will continue to wear my mask and follow the rules to keep myself and others safe.

What kind of parent takes children to a protest? Are they being taught to be bullies and think only of themselves? They were lucky when the bicycle was thrown at the horse that it didn’t bolt and kill someone.

Josephine Van Alstine

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