Johanna Vandorn | Nov 25, 2020

Hello, I am new to Sharbot Lake and looking forward to being your Message Therapist.

I was applying for a credit card recently and the clerk asked where I was employed. I responded that I was self employed as a Registered Massage Therapist. “Oh that great,” the clerk replied as she continued to enter my information. Suddenly she stopped, “I don’t see it here on the drop down list,” she frowned. She looked again and said, “Oh, its spelled MA -ssage.”

It reminded me of an article I read recently about marketing . It went something like, “An important tip about marketing is to make sure your “massage gets noticed”. Yes, I certainly want my Massage (Therapy services) to be noticed!

Since moving to Sharbot Lake, I look forward to reading the Frontenac News. However, I became a bit concerned one week when I read Jeff Green’s article about the politics(?) of certain chickens. They were forced to live in a coup, even though they were given permission to roam freely. Some chickens I know live in a coop (rhymes with loop), but were never in a coup, (rhymes with new) unless they were planning to overthrow their government. Please don’t take offense, Jeff, its just that since COVID has me cooped (or is it couped?) up, I’ve been reading everything!

Perhaps it was done intentionally, to see if folks read every word. I know I do! I love the local paper, and I’m already a big fan of Mississippi Pearl – she’s a real gem! She’s like the Seinfeld of Frontenac – an article about nothing and yet I can’t miss an issue!

And hey, maybe there’s an idea for a contest – hide (intentionally) some misspelled words and grammatical errors and see who can spot them. And what about acronymns? For example, LOL - My dear sweet mother-in-law thought it meant “Lots of Love” and always signed my birthday cards that way – “Happy Birthday LOL, to my favorite daughter in-law, LOL.” At least I’m pretty sure she meant Lots of Love.

Anyway, thank you to the wonderful folks in Sharbot Lake for the warm welcome we have already felt since arriving. I look forward to the next issue of Frontenac News and to offering my services as a Message Therapist, LOL.

Johanna Vandorn

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