Nawar El Khouri Hage | May 22, 2024

The bigger picture of May.

Arriving here three years ago I was warned about the snow season and the bugs’ season. 

Looking outside at the white mantle of snow was an absolute delight; it was magical in so many ways. That warning held no place in my heart. 

But, come May, and with it the arrival of the bugs, was a totally different story. It was a season of no mercy. I developed allergies out of black flies bites; I obsessed about tree leaves eaten by - then called - gypsy moths. Nothing, no warning, could have ever prepared me for that season. 

But, and to my surprise, some heroes appeared during that season: the dragonfly with its majestic wings soaring, and the bee with its quest for pollen.

The bigger picture of May. The bug season will always bring both: the disturbing bugs, and the heroes. This is the duality of life. With every birth, there is death. With every joy, there is sadness. With every build, there is destruction.

Let us focus on the birth, the joy, the build. For the other side will always exist no matter how much we are warned or prepared.

This May to the Lions Club of Land O’Lakes is a month of growth. It is the month of the joy of awarding a community member with a Melvin Jones Award; the birth of a new initiative that supports the clubs fundraising endeavors which in turn supports the community; and finally the build of activities of the upcoming Lions Year. I will tell you more about them all in later weeks.

For now, and till we meet again in a Roar, focus on the bees, watch the dragonflies, enjoy the hummingbirds; and remember to join us for the super fun Dog Guide Walk on the 26th of May.

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