Lynn Oborne | Sep 28, 2022

Lots going on at the LOL Lions Club. We recently inducted 11 new members. Welcome to our very active club! Each week we host Euchre on Tuesday evenings and Bingo on Thursday evenings.

A bit of history on Lions. It was founded in 1917 by a gentleman named Melvin Jones who wanted to help others in his community. Three years later it became International when a club was formed in Windsor, ON. There are now over 47,000 Lions Clubs in 200 countries with over 1.42 million members…quite an increase in 100 years. The word LIONS stands for Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety. The Lions Motto is We Serve. We are a Service Club and not a charity. Lions International is the largest service organization in the world and you have one right here in Northbrook. We are a group of people who want to help wherever we can. The emotional reward is immeasurable, all while having fun and meeting folks in our wonderful community.

Our Club fence is now showing off the colours of Fall with Thanksgiving and Halloween decorations. Come and have a look and if you have any suggestions or want to join in the fun of painting upcoming displays just let us know. Enjoy these last days of warm weather.

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