Cheryl Hartwick | May 18, 2016

Adult Protective Services

Adult Protective Services would like to send a big thank you to the Mazinaw Community Fund and the Napanee District Community Foundation. The Mazinaw Community Fund was founded by Margaret Axford and Ian Brummel and is a chapter of the Napanee District Community Foundation. The foundation provided the APSW program a grant of $1785 to support 10 individuals, giving them the opportunity to participate in two organized sporting events. These opportunities may not otherwise have been available because of cost, transportation, and limited supports.

The first event was a Blue Jays game last summer. Our group teamed up with Lennox & Addington Association for Community Living and Adult Protective Services in South Lennox & Addington to attend the game. The second event was an Ottawa Senators’ game in February of this year. The individuals who participated enjoyed both of the outings very much. Generous community initiatives such as this are essential to helping us provide opportunities for people in our community, and we are very appreciative to the Mazinaw Community Fund and the NDCF. Without this type of assistance, these opportunities may not have otherwise been available due to cost, transportation and limited supports.

April Volunteer Appreciation:

On April 14, the staff of LOLCS held their annual volunteer appreciation dinner in Flinton. The night saw 102 volunteers being thanked for all they do for the organization. The delicious meal was prepared by the Flinton Community Club and the toe tapping entertainment for the evening was provided by the Pickled Chicken String Band from Denbigh. If the smiles from all the guests are anything to judge by, the evening was certainly a great success!

Annual Yard Sale

We are having our annual yard & bake sale at the LOLCS office in Northbrook on May 21 from 8am until about 3pm. This has become a very successful event and all proceeds go toward our Christmas Hamper Program. Make sure to include our location on your list of sale stops – the May long weekend is the time to shop for all your summer needs and more!

Afternoon Tea and Information Session

On June 13, from 1-3 pm we are holding an afternoon tea at the LOLCS office, 12497A Highway 41, Northbrook. This is an opportunity for community members to come into the office, meet the staff, and have a look around. This is a good chance to see what types of services we provide and ask any questions you may have – or just come in for a visit and to say “Hi.”

Cheryl Hartwick is the Board Chair of Land O'Lakes community Services


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