North Addington Education Centre | Feb 10, 2016

Last week, Grade 7 and 8 students test-drove the awesome technology classes offered at NAEC. Students chose from a variety of tech-based courses as a transition program into secondary. They tore apart and rebuilt motors in Small Engines, made smartphone speakers in Woodshop and lit up the welding torches in the Metal shop. In the Graphics class students got to create an animation, learn photography with Photoshop and design a three-dimensional castle or vehicle to be printed on the 3D printer. In the Hospitality room, students baked cookies and did a taste test challenge. Students enjoyed their mini courses so much, many volunteered to return to do more over their lunch hour. Secondary students helped to facilitate these activities as mentors, sharing what they have learned from these courses. Stay tuned for more exciting transition activities; for real-time news follow us on Twitter @NAEC_LDSB

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