| Sep 22, 2011

Photo: Deborah & Doug Love Grove, John McDougal, Gary Davison, John & Ginny Trousdale, Ron Vadewal

South Frontenac honoured two of its residents for their volunteerism within the community.

John Trousdale: John Trousdale is a true native son of Sydenham Village, a graduate of Sydenham High School, and a man who has carried on his family business interests, which go back to the early days of the village.

He has worked behind the scenes supporting numerous initiatives financially over the years, and has served on numerous boards and committees, including an 11-year stint on the Limestone Learning Foundation Board. He serves on the Kingston General Hospital Board and on the patient care and finance committees at KGH as well, and on the advisory Board of New Leaf Link.

He sits on the Sydenham Canada Day Committee, and is a member of the cemetery committee, the Lions Club, and the Legion, as well as an active member of St Paul’s Church.

As a local business owner, John has, again quietly, pitched in in times of need and emergency, lending a hand to individuals and the community whenever it was needed, whether after hours, on weekends or holidays.

Doug Lovegrove: Doug Lovegrove has worked in leadership roles and on individual projects to make the community a better place.

Doug has been an active member of the Verona Festival committee and steering committee since the festival’s inception 16 years ago. He managed several duties such as the original festival web site, construction of the entrance kiosks, banners and flags, conducted visitor surveys, assisted with the logistics of setting up and taking down, managed the advertisement and promotion, was active on the steering committee and was chair for the festival for several years.

He has also been a director and vice president of the Verona Business Association, director of the Verona/Bell Rock Policing Committee, coordinator of the Verona and Area Neighbourhood Watch, President of the Prince Charles Public School Home and School Association, and reporter and columnist for the Triangle newspaper.

Doug has endeared himself to the Verona community, and many in Verona deeply appreciate his years of volunteer service and are proud he has received this prestigious award.


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