Mar 29, 2023

I would like to respond to North Frontenac Mayor Gerry Lichty's remark that Wolfe Island is "being ungrateful after receiving a new ferry". I wonder how Mayor Lichty would feel if there was only one road to his municipality and the MTO had committed to doing a major upgrade. However, the upgrade involves closing that road so that traffic can only go through for 10 minutes every one a half hours. Add to that that the construction is now at least two year behind schedule so the people and businesses in his municipality, who have already struggled through Covid lockdowns, must now deal with several more years of significantly reduced service and customers. And what of the rights of his residents to timely emergency services - if an ambulance can only come from Kingston once every hour and half and then must wait another hour and a half to bring someone in need of medical attention back to Kingston. I wonder if he would be considered ungrateful for being upset at the situation - given that he is getting a great new road.....someday....... 

A ferry without a proper dock is not the same as adequate ferry service. I am sure MTO can do better by our Island, especially if there was genuine support for the Island's concerns from other municipalities.

Janette Haase

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