Pam Giroux | May 06, 2020

I was very impressed with the maturity of the written assignment by Noah Hertendy 8, submitted by his teacher, Danielle Harding. "What is Covid-19" certainly commanded the readers attention with its intense warning. What concerns me as a Grandmother and retired teacher is the fact that this young boy appears to be consumed by the fear and negativity of the present situation. My hope is that adults in charge of young children will also remind them that there are survivors of this terrible disease. We seem to be doing better here in Canada so far. We can find joy in the awakening of Spring and simple things as we isolate. This too shall pass for there are better days ahead. A child needs to know there is a balance between negativity and positivity. In the midst of all the bad news there are heroes in our midst like the Health Care Workers, Store owners, Restaurant managers who are working to keep our Communities alive and safe. Our children need this message of positivity now more than ever.

Pam Giroux

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