Jul 21, 2011

Photo: Matt Spencer, Rachelle Hardesty, Jim and Claire Walker and Jake Thomas at Kirk Kove on Big Gull Lake

Three area lakes will be showcased on an upcoming feature on Power Boat TV, a show all about power boating that has been running for 21 years on Global TV on Saturday mornings.

Producer and co-host Matt Spencer, who has had a family cottage on Kashwakamak Lake for over 50 years, wanted to give his viewers a sneak peek at the lakes and boating in his own backyard. To make it happen, Spencer approached Rachelle Hardesty, the new general manager of the Land O'Lakes Tourist Association.

She contacted local businesses in the area looking to feature their businesses to a wider audience, and a number of area businesses stepped up to the plate, including Kirk Kove Cottages and Marina on Big Gull Lake, the Land O' Lakes Lodge and the Canadian Shield Golf Course on Crotch Lake, and Addison's Restaurant and Devin's Place in Northbrook.

I caught up with Matt and his camera man and director of photography, Jake Thomas, just as they were launching their 2011 Rinker MTX 200 family bow rider into Big Gull Lake at Kirk Kove. Jim and Claire Walker, the owners and operators of Kirk Kove, were giving the host and crew a tour of the lake and marina and showing them some of the special features it has to offer, including its over 75% of wild crown land shore line, extensive fishing opportunities and deep, clean and quiet waters.

After a lunch at Devin's Place the group jumped aboard and took off on the tour under beautiful sunny skies. Jim and Claire were thrilled to be part of the feature and are hoping to increase awareness of their business, which has been in operation since 1932 and attracts many clients from all over Canada and the United States.

“This is a great opportunity for us and of course we jumped at the chance to showcase what we have here at Kirk Kove.”

Matt Spencer said the goal of the show is to pique the interest of the viewers by “demonstrating that there is life outside of the GTA and the Muskokas. We are hoping that boaters and cottagers will come to realize that in the Land O' Lakes they can find affordable cottage properties and rentals, gorgeous, less crowded lakes and scenery, and also escape the hustle and bustle of recreational boating centres located closer to major cities.”

Rochelle Hardesty put together the itinerary and her hope is to attract more tourists to the area.

“We want to showcase the Land O'Lakes region and give people a sense of where we are and what we are. By increasing media awareness I believe we will be accomplishing just that.”

Matt and his crew plan to film tours of Big Gull, Skootamatta and Crotch lakes over three days and will combine the footage as part of a feature that will air in 2012 on Power Boat TV.

Viewers wanting to watch the show can check out powerboattv.com and/or the LOLTA website at www.travellandolakes.com


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