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sharbot lake lions club

Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 328, Northbrook 613-336-2676
Branch 334, Arden 613-335-2737
Branch 425, Sharbot Lake 613-279-2659

sponsors Euchre every Thursday night, 7:30pm. Euchre tournaments last Thursday of the month. Cribbage on Wednesdays 2pm. Community Dart league on Sundays at1pm, and Wednesdays & Fridays 7:30pm. Free use of snooker table. Volunteer help is always welcome. Barbeques will be held every Friday starting in the spring from 4 to 7pm; 5967 Arden Rd. Arden, Call 613- 335-2737.

CONSERVATIONISTS OF FRONTENAC ADDINGTON: foster conservation in the Frontenac Addington area and encourages the wise use of land and resources. They take children fishing during their “Take Kids Fishing” Week, sponsor a bursary at NAEC, stock speckled trout and sponsor a deer contest in the fall. New members are always welcome. Phone Ron Pethick, 613-336-9400.

CROW LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - Hall rentals available in century old Crow Lake school house with modern kitchen. Can accommodate special events, meetings. Contact Marion Ratzinger, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

FRONTENAC ADDINGTON TRAPPERS COUNCIL aims to: foster conservation; encourage the wise use of land and resources; maintain and enhance fur bearers, wildlife, and fish populations and habitats for the betterment of trappers and residents alike; maintain close ties with auction houses, buyers, and suppliers; help shape sensible and reasonable regulations pertaining to the industry; and to promote a positive and humane image of the trapping tradition and the necessity of it in

wildlife control and habitat conservation. The council offers courses in trapping and sponsors an annual fishing derby, among other projects. For more information call Wilf Deline at 613-336-8359 or visit

OMPAH - BIRTHDAY BASH / COMMUNITY POTLUCK: the Birthday Bash is held monthly at the Ompah Community Centre at 6pm - generally the 3rd or 4th Wednesday of the month. Following the dinner and brief entertainment by local talent, we celebrate birthdays of the months with cake and song. All are welcome, not only folks from Ompah. The potluck dinner is a chance for the community to get together in a relaxed atmosphere  and to share great country cooking. Every other month on Friday afternoon we have cards, e.g. bridge, cribbage, euchre

PARHAM - MAYFLOWER LODGE holds Bingos every Friday night,  6:45pm. Suppers and Entertainment nights for the community will be held with dates and time posted in Frontenac News. Annual Fall Harvest Sale held in October. We have a Humanitarian Service in our Lodges to help people when needed.

SHARBOT LAKE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB. Do you enjoy helping others? Do you enjoy contributing to your community? Do you like fun and fellowship with other service minded people?  Lions do all this and more! We are always seeking new members who have a desire to serve their fellow man and improve the world we live in. The satisfaction gained by being a part of these efforts is one of the big rewards of being a Lion. Our members include young and old, men, women and couples. We enjoy the friendship and camaraderie of the group as we involve ourselves in club activities. WE SERVE!  613-539-8190.

SNOW ROAD COMMUNITY CENTRE (please note that the schedules for these events may vary): There is Friday morning coffee at the hall from 10am-noon. A Moms & Tots group meets on Tuesday mornings, from 9:30-11:30 am. There are exercise classes on Mondays & Thursdays 9:30-10:30 am; Coffee Time on Fridays 10am-noon, Bridge 1–4pm. Community pot luck – second Wed. of the month.  Please call for information: Sheila Kittle, 613-278-1007

nowell motors ad

SNOW ROAD SNOWMOBILE CLUB - 1106 Gemmills Rd. A heated facility for all snowmobilers during snowmobile season. Fundraiser breakfasts are held every second Saturday, 8 - 11 am, October & November and from mid-January to mid-May. Also watch for other fundraising activities. Everyone welcome. Available for rental for special meetings or other events year round for up to 100 people. Wheelchair accessible. Contact Ruth Wark 613-278-0477

TOPS (TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY) Non-profit, non-commercial weight loss support group. TOPS mission is to support members as we Take Off and Keep Off Pounds Sensibly. TOPS is available to all age groups from 7 years and up and to both.

With the participation of the Government of Canada