| Jul 26, 2007

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Feature Article - July 26, 2007

Knitting for peace campaign

This month, Log Cabin Yarns is teaming up with STC Craft in the launch of the Knitting for Peace campaign, an international effort to support modern charity knitting initiatives, and to raise awareness of this tradition so that it may continue to grow and thrive.

The campaign was launched in more than 75 yarn and gift stores across Canada and the United states during the month of November 2006; it is sponsored by STC Craft, which has provided stores with guidelines for creating their own charity knitting group, as well as Knitting for Peace decals, postcard and tote bags, a “how to” guide to donating to charities, and a website where they can post their store’s charity knitting activities and experiences.


In the fall of 2006, STC Craft published Knitting for Peace: Make the World a Better Place One Stitch at a Time by Betty Christiansen (October 2006; ISBN 1584795336). Inspired by both nations’ rich legacy of “knitting for others” (which dates back over 100 years), Christiansen researched modern efforts that aim to continue this tradition. Knitting for Peace profiles these initiatives and offers 15 projects that can be knitted for charities, including the “Adopt-Me Blanket” and the “Peace Fleece Classic Wool Socks.”

At Log Cabin Yarns, knitters are meeting on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm until 9pm at the shop on Hwy 41. Our projects are knitting 100% wool socks and helmet liners for our troops in Afghanistan. Patterns and materials for the helmet liners and socks are available at the both of the shop’s locations. This summer we have a satellite store, right beside Grand’s General Store in the town of Cloyne (14218 Hwy 41). Our main store is open year round at 18239 Hwy 41.

“We knitters work a powerful magic when we knit for others,” writes Christiansen in the introduction to her book. “…we can build bridges between warring nations, help to heal deep wounds, offer a primal comfort, and create peace however small, and in whatever way that may be for ourselves and others.”

Please join us in Knitting for Peace. For more information, please contact Nancy at 613-336-2041 or 613-336-3385.

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