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Once Upon A Time

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Once Upon A Time A Child Was Born

By Bill Rowsome

In fact, all the time children are born. In fact, some think too many children are born. In fact, as long as births result from the most pleasurable moments of mankind's relationships more children will be born.

Will the cloning of humans, when it takes place, change the magic mothers and fathers feel about the birth of their child? It will, there will only be a mother; in cloning the father is mysteriously absent. Didn't this happen 2000 years ago? There was a birth in a stable that changed the future of society. There will be more births in stables, births in poverty, births in luxury, deliberate births, accidental births, loved births, despised births and aborted births. Each one of these will influence the future, as has each and every birth in the past.

At the moment of conception innocence begins in a mother's womb. But it is only a momentary innocence. What mother inherited, eats, drinks, inhales and hears will affect that innocence. She and only she, for 9 months, will control the destiny of the child and the world into which it will be born. This is a heavy responsibility for a mother; fortunately one that most mothers accept conscientiously and gratefully for the sake of mankind.

Then we, the non-mothers, begin to modify this gift from heaven. The father, the family, the church, the school, the peers, and all the unwanted and sometimes unknown influences of our world have an opportunity to change what a mother has wrought. It has always been such and always will be, for better and for worse.

What will those influences be? Did The Mother some 2000 years ago know? Probably not as we have little history of those formative years just as we have no foretelling of future formative years. What molds a Savior, a Satan, a Peacemaker, and a Warmonger? We do.

In this time of annual festivity and splurge of excessive materialism let us not forget we shape our destiny and we usually reap what we sow. "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not...!"

Seasonal Greetings from the Mazinaw? Of course there are. Those of us living on the Highlands must periodically dip into the Valleys to observe and participate in the frenzied activities held there and to all we wish, "A Thoughtful Christmas and A Stimulating New Year."

With the participation of the Government of Canada